This site will discuss the interesting history of this truck and the rebuild process. Click on the menu buttons at the top to tour the site.
As the title says, I know it is butt ugly, but it is very special to me.
One of our daughters and her family bought a small acreage in Bailey Colorado several years ago. This truck was abandoned on the property. When we visited them, I would always go look the truck. I guess my sneaking out did not go unnoticed {grin}. Unbeknown to me, they traced down the previous owner and obtained a title. They gave me the title at our Christmas family gathering (1997) – what a great present!!!
The history page of this site (see menu above) has quite a bit of informtion about the early years of the truck after I got the title as well as history of this model of IHC truck.
Over the years, I have been gathering parts for a total rebuild. That rebuild began in December 2013 and is documented on pages shown in the menu.
Note: the photos shown on these pages are in two formats. The first is "thumbnail" where you can click on the photo to get a more detailed version. The second is in a gallery format. The gallery format shows small thumbnails. If you click on one of the photos is the gallery you will see the pictures in larger format and can "arrow" through all the pictures. I am not thrilled with the format of the gallery, but it at least functions and serves the purpose.
Note 2: I originally started this project documentation using MS Frontpage. Over the years, the software has served me well. However, my ISP no longer fully supports that format and I had a ton of problems uploading the pages. I have now converted the site to a WordPress platform. It is powerful and well supported, but I hate the learning curve of a new software package.
Jim ShepherdEvergreen, CO
Updated 11/7/16