Hello from Seattle, WA

Hello from Seattle, WA

Wednesday evening – May 3, 2017   (First post of this travelogue)

I am drafting this post in the Seattle airport.  I flew in to Seattle on Sunday and have been teaching at Boeing for the past three days.  The classes were bearings and lubrication.

Pat and I had planned to make this trip together in a rented car.  Part of the plan was to visit our grandson Thomas and his girl friend Klara in Pullman Washington.  Thomas is working on his Masters degree in geology at the University of Idaho. 

On April 7 our oldest daughter Lisa was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and we quickly made to decision to stay home to be close to her and her family.  She had surgery on April 28 and has a good preliminary prognosis. 

The weather in Seattle continues to be quite wet and rainy.  Seattle has received a staggering 45 inches of precipitation since Oct. 1, 2016.  That is an all time record.  Normal rainfall for that period is about 31 inches.  That said, it was actually sunny today and around 80 degrees.

This set of classes was conducted on the first shift which starts at 6:00 AM.  That puts me up before the roosters even think of waking {grin}.  I can handle the early shift for three days, but I have a five day assignment later this month and I suspect I will be half dead at the end of that class.  To make matters worse, my flight is scheduled for 7:45 tonight and that puts me in Denver about a bit after 11:00 PM!!  Long day!!

That is all for this trip.


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