Hello from Evergreen, CO

Hello from Evergreen, CO

Sunday morning  April 14, 2013   (Fifth travelogue of this trip).

When we last posted, we were concerned about running into snow on our drive to Iowa.  Turned out that the weather was OK.  It was cool on the drive, but no snow.  We got to Bill and Jeanne’s about 2:30 and got situated. 

Friday was really a whirlwind day for me.  I wanted to talk to a company in the Corning area that I need to have make a couple of metal parts for me.  They have done some projects for me in the past and their prices are very fair.  The project involves shearing and bending some rather heavy plate into frame rails that I will use to lengthen my old IHC truck.  I had remembered that they have some really large equipment.  Turns out that they can bend ½ inch thick plate and shear 1 inch thick steel plate!!!!  Far more capacity than I need {grin}.  I also stopped at a tire store to get some prices on drive tires for the bus.  I really like to do business with folks in that area.  They could use the business, their customer attitude is great, and their prices are very good.

Pat and her cousin made several stops and visited Pat’s aunt Jarris.

Yesterday, we drove 650 miles in the PT Cruiser from Iowa to our home.  That was a long day, but bearable.  We had decided to leave the bus in Iowa, since we planned to return for what has become our annual Memorial Day visit.

This trip was a bit less than three weeks.  You would think that there would be some leisure time in that period.  That really was not the case.  There were some periods of a few hours that we got to relax, but most of the time we were on the go.  That said, the activities that we participated in were all very enjoyable!  Our original plans called for a more leisurely trip, but NTT confirmed that the class I was scheduled to teach was a go.  When we laid out the trip, it did not look like they had enough students to justify the class.  Because of the class, we had to break up the trip into two parts.

Now, I must spend most of my time over the next couple of days getting ready for a class that I have not taught in about 10 years.  No rest for the wicked.

That is all for now.

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