Hello from Evergreen, CO

Hello from Evergreen, CO

Tuesday evening   July 7, 2015   (Second post of this travelogue)

Again a note to our email readers:  the process needs some work.  I looked at the email version on my iPhone and it looked terrible.  On my computer email software, it looked better (at least the photos displayed), but the Google map did not show.  Everything looks good on the website.  I will take a look at what I can do to make the email version look better (at least it is on the list {grin}).

The photo below shows our “group”.  Included in the Photo are the Bergmans, plus Irina, Matthias and Viktor.  Irina and her family joined us for the last few days of our stay.  They rented an apartment in Frisco and had dinner with us each night.  In addition, they went on hikes with the Bergmans.

Goup Photo

Sadly, we were pretty close to the medical helicopter crash that occurred on Friday (7/3).  We heard all the sirens, saw the smoke, and Damon could see the flames with the binoculars.  The photo below is from the Denver Post.

As noted in the previous post, we were really “slugs” for the two weeks.  Pat played a lot of games with the Bergmans and read several books.  I managed to read Armand Hammer’s biography (I am not much of a book reader and the 400 plus pages were a bit daunting).  I also spent some time redoing my consulting website:  http://bindermc.com/ .  As has been the case with my other sites, I converted it to a WordPress platform.  Each time I do a conversion, I tend to press the software capability a bit and this was no exception.  To look at it, it looks pretty simple, but there was some pretty intense “tuning” at code level to get it the way I wanted it.  Good thing I enjoy the challenge, as there is no way I could justify the energy I spend on these sites.

Frisco has a fabulous fireworks show that is synchronized with music broadcast over FM radio.  While the rest of the group hiked down to the lake for the show, we opted to stay in the bus.  Our site was ideal, as we could watch out the windshield.  We cranked up the stereo and had a wonderful show.

We left the campsite about 9:45 AM Sunday and still hit bad traffic.  That was not all bad, as it let me cruise up the pass to the tunnel at part throttle.  While the traffic was slow, it was not stop and go – that is the way you want it with a clutch based system.  We got home about noon.

We are not sure what the future holds for travelling in the bus for the rest of the year.  Our travel budget (funded by my teaching) is getting low since I have not had any assignments recently.  We will be travelling to Salt Lake City later this month (in the PT Cruiser) to attend Pat’s Convention.

That is all for this trip.

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