Hello Again from Centennial, CO

Hello Again from Centennial, CO

Thursday evening  – September 23, 2021   (First post of this travelogue)

Actually I am cheating a bit here.  It is Wednesday 10/6/2021 and I am in Iowa (a new travelogue to follow).  However, I like to bookmark every “trip” for our blog/travelogue.  So here goes {grin}:

Well, I am back at NTT for three days this week.  I have been teaching our Mechanical Drives class to a grand sum of two students.  Both students work at the mint in Denver.

It was a great class.  Having only two students makes the hands-on labs so easier and each lab can be done right after the chapter has been covered.

The students were very interactive between themselves and with me.  That makes the class very fun to teach.

Mechanical Drives class (bearings, belts, chain, gear, couplings, lubrication,  etc) is the first class I taught at NTT in 2000.  While I now teach several other classes, this is my favorite, because it gives the student a good overview of almost all of the components they are likely to  work on in their job.

That is all for this trip.

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