Hello from Everett, WA

Hello from Everett, WA

Wednesday evening – October 31, 2018   (First post of this travelogue)

Well, I am once again back in Everett, teaching at Boeing.  This week I teach two classes:  shaft alignment (2 days) and mechanical drives (3 days).  I like teaching at the Everett facility, as it seems to be more laid back than the Auburn plant.  The only issue is that the classes start at 6:00 AM.

I am done with the shaft alignment class and that went well.  I think the mechanical drive class will go well also, since it has the same students.

The frustrating situation this week is that I am dealing with a fairly significant case of vertigo.  A bit over a week ago, I was just barely able to function, but the symptoms have gotten better – except in the classroom.  I really did not appreciate how much I turn my head from the screen to the students and that often sets off a reaction.  There are times that I feel (and probably look) like I am knee walking drunk.  Today I changed my approach on where I stand, minimized moving around the room and changed how I address both the screen and the students and that helped a bit.

I flew in on Sunday and will fly home on Saturday.  I could probably have planned a Friday return, but the traffic from Everett to the airport is horrendous at times and I just did not to fight the rather aggressive drivers and traffic jams after teaching all day.

The weather here is pretty cool (50s) and very damp.  The rain not continuous, but there are periods of significant showers.

That is all for this trip.

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